A lot of people think that using “private” mode or (or “incognito” mode, depending on your browser) hides their internet activity and will keep the police from finding out where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing – but this simply isn’t true. Private mode...
Criminal Defense
2 common examples of inadmissible evidence
For the prosecution to file criminal charges against a defendant, they need to have evidence. The strength of that evidence will influence how likely a conviction or acquittal is. The prosecution must establish guilt beyond all reasonable doubt, while the defense must...
What factors are considered in criminal sentencing?
One of the first things that comes to mind when a person is facing criminal charges is what type of sentence they may be subjected to if they’re convicted. It’s nearly impossible to determine precisely what a sentence will be because there are many factors that go...
Why DNA isn’t as solid as you might think
You’ve been accused of a violent crime – and the police say that they found your DNA at the scene, so the prosecutor is promising a conviction. So what? While DNA evidence has become a sort of “gold standard” for proving guilt or evidence in the popular mindset, the...
How can I be sure I received a fair trial?
The right to a fair trial is one of the most important protections extended to people in the United States. Both citizens and visitors from other countries have numerous protections under the Constitution. The Sixth Amendment ensures the right to a fair and speedy...
Should you tell your attorney the truth if you killed someone?
Being charged with homicide (murder) is the most serious charge of all. As such, it demands a robust defense against the charges. That leads to the question whether you should tell your attorney the whole truth about your role in the circumstances that got you...
Your rights during a traffic stop for drunk driving
Just because the police have the right to stop vehicles does not give them the right to do whatever they want. Drivers who are suspected of drunk driving have legal rights that protect them from wrongful arrests and charges. If you are stopped by the police under the...
Can the police trick a roommate into allowing a search of a home?
With cost-of-living expenses on the rise, many adults have to share living quarters with others to maintain balanced budgets. Taking on a roommate helps limit the financial liability that comes from renting. A roommate shares the monthly rent payments and utility...
Overturning a guilty verdict via a successful criminal appeal
Some people convicted of a criminal charge may be able to appeal their conviction or the sentence. While there aren’t any guarantees about the outcome of an appeal, understanding what to expect is important. Making this effort can put defendants in the best position...
3 times police officers can lawfully enter a home without permission
Someone's home is their castle, and they deserve to feel safe in their residence. People can enjoy privacy within their own homes and should not have to worry about other people gaining access to the property without their consent. Of course, there are certain...