Skilled At Handling Probation Violation Cases

When you are accused of a probation violation, you have one chance to hire the right attorney to defend you. A lawyer with decades of experience and a reputation for results gives you the best chance of getting out or staying out of jail.

The skilled attorneys at The Law Office of Massey McClusky Fuchs & Ballenger have successfully handled probation violation hearings for clients on many occasions.

After becoming the first West Tennessee lawyer to receive certification as a criminal law specialist, William D. Massey joined with The Law Office of Massey McClusky Fuchs & Ballenger to establish our law firm. We can assist people just like you with legal problems just like yours. We handle every detail, document and strategy that could assist with preserving your freedom and future.

Tennessee’s Probation Requirements

Probation conditions in Tennessee are strict enough without allegations of violations complicating your status. These conditions typically require:

  • Abstaining from alcohol, drugs, weapons and computers
  • Making a genuine effort to find employment
  • Avoiding facing new criminal charges

Our attorneys will point out every positive aspect of your probation commitments to the court. When you are fighting a probation violation charge, we will fight right alongside you. We always fight the good fight for our clients, aggressively protecting your rights from start to finish.

Comprehensive Probation Defense Services

We accompany you to hearings and advocate for continuation of your probation arrangements when you face accusations of:

  • Failure to report to your probation officer on a regular basis
  • Failure to attend counseling
  • Failure to perform community service
  • Failure to appear in court
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Use of a computer or the internet
  • Associating with known criminals
  • Possession of a firearm

Quality, experienced defense representation that safeguards your interests and attentive personal service that puts your legal needs first: You get both when you partner with us from the first meeting we have with you.

Contact Our Memphis Office

The first meeting with our attorneys is free. Call 888-341-4226, 901-910-1638 or email our firm.