Drug crimes in Memphis can be serious offenses. The punishment for drug offenses usually depends on the amount and type of drugs involved but can lead to prison time, loss of a good professional and personal reputation and other serious consequences.
Three men in North Memphis are being accused of growing a large amount of marijuana in a home. The home in North Memphis allegedly had over 140 potted marijuana plants, over 170 pounds of loose marijuana and $400 in cash that was found by police. The three men were also accused of stealing power to run artificial lights in the home. The three men are in jail on a $3 million dollar bail each.
As mentioned, drug offenses can land a person in jail, have large fines and result in a criminal record. When someone is accused of a drug crime, it is important to investigate the circumstances surrounding the arrest, including whether a search warrant was executed correctly. The defendant needs to be able to tell his side of the story and mount a strong legal defense in his or her favor. It may be possible in some cases to negotiate outside of the courtroom with the prosecution to avoid a trial and stiffer penalties.
Some residents of Memphis find drug crimes and drug manufacturing to be a major problem in their neighborhood. Therefore, these crimes are taken very seriously by police and the courts. Drug crimes can carry some serious penalties for those who are convicted. Making sure a defendant has the ability to defend himself and tell his side of the story is important in making sure the court system is fair.
Source: WMCA, “Suspects in massive pot growing operation due in court,” May 19, 2014