If you’ve been convicted of a DUI in Memphis, your problems likely extend beyond the legal. Trouble with the law is often a sign of alcohol addiction, which can ultimately impact every area of your life. Getting treatment is vital in this case, especially when...
Month: December 2018
Does wearing a body camera change police behavior?
Over the last several years there has been significant contentious talk around the country regarding the use of video by law enforcement during interactions with the public. Many people have called for its use to call out inappropriate behavior. One study however...
When you are falsely accused of murder
Our law office deals with a number of legal issues, but murder is an especially challenging facet of defense. Setting aside the extremely harsh stigma that comes with these allegations (and can shatter someone's life even if they are innocent), people facing murder...
Should you accept a plea bargain if it is offered?
You have been charged with a crime and the situation you find yourself in can feel stressful and overwhelming. You are suddenly faced with being in the inside of a court room and maybe even a jail cell, meeting with a lawyer and hearing legal terms you may not be...