There are situations in which you may end up holding illegal drugs that you do not own. For instance, maybe you don’t actually use any illegal substances yourself, but you have friends who do. You could end up carrying a backpack or a bag containing these substances....
Month: July 2023
What are the consequences of a Tennessee drug conviction?
Social attitudes about drugs have shifted drastically in recent decades. Long gone are the days when the average person assumes that anyone involved with drug use or the drug trade is an inherently bad person. Society has become much more accepting both of casual drug...
Can computerized policing systems be biased?
The idea of predictive policing sounds like something created by science fiction writers. Yet, this technology does exist. The police can use a computer model that will tell them where it believes crime will take place. It does this by studying past data and making...
Can I boost the odds of winning a criminal appeal?
If you are convicted of a crime, and you believe an error was committed, you may appeal your conviction. An appeal is not a new trial, however. Rather, it is a petition to the appellate court to review the trial process and determine if the trial court was right in...