Are you facing allegations of violating probation?

On Behalf of | Apr 9, 2015 | Parole And Probation |

Violating a probation order is a serious offense in the state of Tennessee. It is as serious as they come and being accused of violating your probation gives one little wiggle room for any mistakes. It is very important to consider having an attorney with the knowledge and the experience to best represent one’s interests and keep one out of jail.

The law office of The Law Office of Massey McClusky Fuchs & Ballenger The Law Office of Massey McClusky Fuchs & Ballenger is experienced in handling hearings pertaining to probation violations. We specialize in criminal law and those who seek our services can rest assured that their case will be handled with competence and care. We will work hand-in-hand with our clients. And, every step of the way we will tirelessly work to ensure your freedom and exhaust every resource available at our disposal.

With probation conditions in the state of Tennessee being as stringent as they are, the last thing a person on probation needs is allegations of a probationary violation that can potentially, if mishandled, revoke their status permanently and put them behind bars. As it is those individuals on probation in most cases have to contend with many restrictions including alcohol and drug consumption, use of computers and internet access capable devices and gun ownership and use. Furthermore, when one is facing allegations of failure to meet one’s probationary conditions such as not reporting to a probation officer, not attending a mandated counseling session, not showing up in court or performing the required community service, our attorneys will leave no stone unturned and work to get the issue resolved.

Those facing a probation violation will find comfort in knowing that our attorneys will stand by your side in court and zealously advocate for your rights.

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