What kind of penalties can drug manufacturing bring on?

On Behalf of | May 8, 2015 | Drug Charges |

In Tennessee, as in the rest of the United States, drug manufacturing is a serious crime. The legal system does not tolerate those who are accused of drug manufacturing and a person who is convicted of such crimes can face serious consequences.

Drug manufacturing is a felony in the state of Tennessee. In fact, it is a Class B felony to be caught manufacturing methamphetamine or cocaine of more than .5 grams. If the amount is less than .5 grams or if the substance is another Schedule II drug, then it is a Class C felony. When facing these felony charges, an accused individual may be subjected to a fine of up to $200,000 depending on the amount of drugs allegedly involved.

Prosecutors in Tennessee aggressively prosecute those who are accused of drug charges. In addition to high fines, a felony conviction can bring prison time. A Class B felony can land an individual in prison for eight to 30 years while a Class C felony can bring three to 15 years of prison.

Drug manufacturing charges are wide reaching. Authorities can charge a person if he or she is merely in possession of the materials to make the drug. For example, in regards to meth production, if a person possesses materials such as anhydrous ammonia, lithium batteries, foil, and pseudoephedrine, then he or she could face drug manufacturing charges.

Those who are accused of drug manufacturing may want to contact a legal professional skilled in criminal defense. An attorney can help a defendant develop a legal strategy and make sure the defendant’s rights are protected. Drug charges can ruin a person’s personal and professional reputation, so it is important that a defendant gets to tell his or her side of the story.

Source: LexisNexis, “Tennessee Code Annotated 39-17-417,” accessed May 5, 2015


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