Violent crimes and aggravated robbery can land you in prison

On Behalf of | Sep 16, 2019 | Violent Crimes |

With an aggravated robbery charge, the assumption is that the person who was committing the robbery was armed with a deadly weapon at the time, inflicted bodily harm or had an accomplice. The threat of bodily harm can also be included in the definition of an aggravated robbery.

There are three categories of robbery in Tennessee including:

  • Aggravated robbery
  • Robbery
  • Especially aggravated robbery

Each of these categories has its own penalties. All could result in fines and a prison sentence, so it is important to stay quiet with the police and to wait for your attorney before you make any kind of statement.

What is a robbery?

In Tennessee, a robbery is defined as the intentional theft of property from one party by another who uses violence or threats. For example, holding a gun to a person’s back while stealing their purse could constitute a robbery or aggravated robbery, depending on the exact circumstances of the case.

What is an aggravated robbery?

An aggravated robbery occurs when a person:

  • Causes bodily harm to the victim
  • Uses a deadly weapon or creates a display to cause the victim to believe there is a deadly weapon present

What is an especially aggravated robbery?

An especially aggravated robbery uses a deadly weapon and causes harm to the victim.

What kinds of penalties can you face for committing an aggravated robbery?

If you commit an aggravated robbery, you can face fines and time in prison. Aggravated robbery is classified as a Class B felony for which you could face up to 30 years in prison. On the other hand, the more serious especially aggravated robbery has prison sentences lasting up to 60 years in prison.

What should you do if you’re accused of aggravated robbery?

If you are accused of committing a robbery, aggravated robbery or especially aggravated robbery in Tennessee, you could be facing multiple years behind bars, heavy fines and other penalties. It is essential that you reach out to your attorney as soon as possible to begin building up a defensive case.

There are reasons why you might fight back or cause harm to someone else unintentionally. There are also times when you may be unfairly accused of a crime you didn’t commit or didn’t intend to commit. Reach out to your attorney and talk about what happened honestly. By doing this, you can protect yourself and give your attorney the information they need to fight for you.


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