5 myths about sobriety tests

On Behalf of | Dec 16, 2022 | DUI/DWI Defense |

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge is a serious criminal offense that can lead to major fines, license revocation and incarceration. Yet, despite all of these penalties, people constantly drive after drinking.

Why would people ignore the law? Oftentimes, people drive drunk because they believe in common misconceptions. It can happen to anyone, but, to prevent this from happening to you, you may need to know the truth about common myths. Here’s what you should know:

Myth #1: You can decline a breathalyzer test

Truth: If the police stop someone they believe is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, then they may ask the driver to take a breath test and evaluate their blood-alcohol content (BAC) – 0.08% BAC or higher is considered against the law. However, many people believe that breath tests are options and opt out of taking one. Yet, under implied consent laws, drivers may face penalties for refusing a breath test.

Myth #2: Drink coffee after drinking alcohol

Truth: You may have been told by a friend that you can wipe away the effects of alcohol and seem sober by drinking coffee. Not only does coffee do nothing to reduce inebriation but it could make you more erratic when driving.

Myth #3: Use a mint to pass a breath test

Truth: Some people believe that using a breath mint hides the smell of their breath and can trick the breath test. However, a breath mint, depending on the brand, may only worsen the inebriation levels evaluated by a breath test.

Myth #4: Drive slow to avoid a DUI

Truth: Driving slowly may help a drunk driver avoid the law, yet, if they become a victim in an accident, then the police may find they were driving drunk.

Myth #5: You don’t need legal help

Truth: Many people put off a DUI charge as some kind of minor offense that won’t affect them in any way, which is far from the truth. A DUI charge can affect a person’s record for several years and may cause them to lose their driver’s license or face jail time, as stated above. If drivers facing a DUI charge knew their legal options, then there may be fewer people with criminal charges to their names.


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