The goal of recovery courts in Tennessee 

On Behalf of | Jan 29, 2025 | Drug Charges |

In Tennessee, some individuals charged with drug crimes have the option to go through recovery courts. This is different from the traditional criminal court system.

With recovery court, there is a supervised treatment program for the person who has been accused of breaking the law. If they adhere to this treatment program, which is closely monitored, they may be able to avoid other sentences. For instance, they may not have to spend any time behind bars for a drug offense if they choose to get treatment instead.

Addressing the root cause

The main goal of these courts is to address the actual cause of much criminal activity. Many people who are arrested for possession of illegal drugs are simply dealing with addiction or drug abuse issues. They do not want to break the law, but this medical condition pushes them to that end.

Putting a person in this position behind bars does not actually help. The jail term is not a deterrent because their addiction issues have never been addressed. If they are released from jail, they are highly likely to re-offend. The addiction will pull them back into the same patterns of illegal activity. 

It is important to note that recovery courts are generally only used for those accused of nonviolent crimes. Someone arrested with cash, drugs and a firearm and accused of trafficking illegal substances would likely not be eligible. Someone found with a few pills for recreational use, however, may be eligible.

This highlights why it is so important to understand exactly what options you have when facing drug crime allegations in Tennessee.



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