Being accused of a crime can affect more than just a criminal charge. No matter how serious the crime may be, the suspect and his or her family could endure social, employment and personal losses. Furthermore, being arrested for a violent crime could lead to harsh penalties if convicted. This is why it is important to devise a defense strategy against the charges.
A Tennessee woman was recently arrested for taking illegal drugs while she was pregnant. The 26-year-old is the first woman to be arrested on such charges as a result of a new state law. The law considers it an assault when a mother takes illegal drugs while pregnant.
After the birth of her daughter, it was discovered that there was methamphetamine in the infant’s system. This led to the arrest of the new mother and the filing of assault charges against her. She later admitted to smoking meth just a few days prior to giving birth. Furthermore, the young woman also has prior drug- related arrests.
The new law has caused some controversy because it seeks to criminalize addiction rather than promote a healthy pregnancy by seeking help for pregnant mothers’ drug dependency. Despite the controversy, the woman is now facing a misdemeanor charge for assault. This could result in fines, as well as jail time.
In order to reduce the impact of these consequences if convicted, the defendant could raise a defense against the charges. Independent investigation can provide the accused with details and evidence that could be used to reduce or lessen the charges. Furthermore, the defendant may be eligible for a plea bargain, which might reduce the penalties associated with the criminal charges.
A defendant facing a serious charge should understand he or she is entitled to a strong defense. Seeking guidance about options and legal avenues could help with the defendant’s defense strategy. Moreover, this could help keep an individual’s interests in mind while also protecting his or her rights.
Source: New York Daily News, “Tennessee mom arrested under new drug law after newborn tests positive for meth,” Joe Kemp, July 14, 2014