If you’ve been arrested for identity theft

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2014 | Criminal Defense |

If you’ve been arrested for a crime such as identity theft you may feel like everyone is against you. With the rising instances of identity theft around Memphis, these crimes can carry long-term consequences. It can help to have a strong criminal defense to advocate on your behalf and make sure you are able to tell your side of the story.

Anyone in Tennessee who knowingly obtains a person’s personal identifying information which can include a social security number, credit or debit card number, checking account number, driver’s license, health insurance information, and other types of information, can be charged with identity theft. Using this personal information for their own benefit, such as obtaining a credit card, or even being in possession of these numbers, can lead to identity theft charges.

If convicted, the penalty for identity theft can be 2-12 years in prison and a maximum fine of $5,000. Because of these serious consequences it is important to establish a legal team that has experience with identity theft charges. Our law firm has aggressively represented the rights of defendants for more than 40 years. With the right defense the identity theft charges may be able to be reduced to probation.

Hiring the right attorney for your defense may be a good way to ensure your voice is heard. We can help you by investigating the circumstances surrounding your arrest. We will advocate for you both in and out of court. Our law firm could make a tremendous difference in your case.

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