What is reasonable suspicion to stop someone for DUI?

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2015 | DUI/DWI Defense |

Last week we discussed what reasonable suspicion is in regards to a DUI stop in Memphis. This week we will discuss probable cause for an arrest for suspected DUI. A DUI charge is serious and can result in high fines, license revocation and other penalties, so they should be taken seriously.

After a police officer has had reasonable suspicion to pull a person over for a suspected DUI, they need probable cause for an arrest. Probable cause means that police need an adequate reason in order to arrest someone. There can be various situations that lead to probable cause for a DUI arrest, including if a person was involved in an accident or caused an injury. Probable cause can also arise if a police officer smells alcohol in the car, sees an open bottle, or if a person has trouble retrieving their license information. Many times, a field sobriety test or a breath test is the evidence a police officer needs to arrest someone.

A DUI is a serious charge that can really affect a person’s life. A DUI conviction can lead to license revocation, which can make it hard to keep a job, in addition to high fines and other penalties. A person can also suffer from a tarnished personal and professional reputation.

A legal professional skilled in criminal law may be able to help a defendant who is facing a DUI charge. He or she can investigate the circumstances surround the arrest and make sure the office had reasonable suspicion to pull the defendant over and probable cause to arrest them. The attorney can make sure the defendant tells his or her side of the story and that his or her legal rights are being honored. An experienced lawyer can also negotiate with the prosecution, if necessary, and work hard to make sure their client’s freedoms are preserved.

In Memphis a DUI charge is a serious matter. A criminal defense attorney can help the defendant fight the good fight to protect their best interests

Source: FindLaw, “Probable cause“, accessed on July 12, 2015


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