Tennessee law recognizes different levels of crimes involving the killing of another, including first-degree murder. First-degree murder in Tennessee is the most serious murder charge a person can face. There are three types of first-degree murder: premeditated...
Murder Charges
Can an affirmative defense help you with pending murder charges?
In the hierarchy of violent criminal offenses, there's a little question that murder sits very close to the top. When you or someone you love winds up facing murder charges in Tennessee, creating a criminal defense strategy may be the only thing standing between the...
How to avoid helping the prosecution
At The Law Office of & , there is one thing that we wish everybody knew before they came to our office with a criminal defense case. It is simple:...
Understand the seriousness of involuntary manslaughter charges
Involuntary manslaughter is an illegal act in Tennessee. It includes several different kinds of killings that were a result of reckless, grossly negligent or unlawful actions. Involuntary manslaughter charges may be filed when a person kills another as a result of...
How does Tennessee define intellectual disability?
Not guilty be reason of insanity may seem to be such an overused defense to murder charges that most in Memphis may simply dismiss it the moment it is cited. Yet what if it truly exists in your case? Some might think that determining whether or not you have the...
Felony murder charges: Serious charges for the deaths of others
Of all the homicide offenses in the United States, first-degree murder is the most serious. In a first-degree murder case, the charge assumes that the murder was willful and intentional. The charge is placed when it's believed that the murder was premeditated.Not all...
Is encouraging suicide a crime?
A recent criminal case involving a young man's suicide and his girlfriend's urgings via text has raised an interesting legal question. Can another person be held accountable for encouraging someone's suicide? While at the outset it might seem like that's not...
When is deadly force not justified?
While you certainly never anticipate being put in the position of having to use deadly force against another in Memphis, it can indeed happen. The difference between you facing a potential murder charge and your actions qualifying as self-defense depend on the...
When does murder classify as reckless homicide?
If you are an avid fan of Law & Order or true crime podcasts, you hear terms thrown around such as first-degree murder or voluntary manslaughter. You may even know the difference between first-degree and second-degree murder charges.However, most television shows...
Reviewing Tennessee’s “Stand Your Ground” law
It seems that the claim of self-defense is thrown out so often when people are facing murder charges that it has lost its credibility as a viable defense. Yet if and when you are placed in a position of needing to use force (even lethal force) to defend yourself...